dinsdag 15 september 2009

White and Lavender again.


I don’t know when it started but it has really hit me, my love for all things old white ,grey,natural, lavender the Jeanne d’arc look , the French look some call it shabby I don’t know but I like it.And since I’m more and more on the computer I am seeing more and more of it! So many creative  people and so much fun in sharing ideas.I love it !! Thanks to all who like to share nice ideas and pictures!!!

DSC01295 DSC01294DSC01293 DSC01292 DSC01291DSC01322   Here you see a large bundle of Lavender.We have this schoolgardenproject, together, some parents , teachers and children  maintain a garden next to the school.Last week we had to prune back some plants and one of those plants were the Lavenders.Not many see the fun and joy of these plants once they’re out of bloom but a few (me and a good friend) like to collect the dried flowers and make some pretty bags filled with these aromatic flowers.It took me two hours to make some nice bundles out of the chaos of Lavender spread all over my table !You should have been there because the smell was intoxicated!!


For me enough reason to make some more Lavender bags!I made this bag using a piece of cotton and a postcard stamp.It looks like a real postcard.This one was a small present for a dear friend so I packed it in cellophane attached a few Lavenders on it and a sticker that says ‘handmade for you’.


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I’ve made a heart as well.


Another project I started.I never really liked the color of the benches,table and deckchair outside.Somehow they never turned in to that nice old grey look I like so much.We’ve had all kinds of things on it but now I think I found the right stuff!


It’s called Moose Farg and a real Swedish product.It’s easy to work with and has a chalky look when finished.It stands all weather conditions and you can also use it indoors on furniture and walls.I’ve chosen the color grey.I’ve done one table and one bench and it looks very nice.

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More pictures will follow when everything is ready!


I was lucky to find two Riviera Maison soup Bowles on a flea market for only fifty cents each! A bargain.  DSC01326 DSC01325  DSC01323


And also I found a iron basket in an oval shape,a few weeks ago (last post) I found a round one!So I now have a nice pair.


Lots of love from me and Jackie .